Our projects are realized through collaborative partnerships with researchers from UBC and other universities, community organizations, and local school boards. Please see below for more information on these partners.
Canadian Prevention Science Cluster
This is a 7-year program funded by SSHRC, lead by Dr. David Wolfe, University of Toronto, that involves collaboration with researchers in four regional hubs across Canada, including Dr. Shelley Hymel in BC, Dr. Maria Battiste in Saskatchewan, and Dr. John LeBlanc at Dalhousie. Our focus is on promoting social and emotional development in Canada through prevention research, and on training graduate students. To date, graduate students Lina Darwich, Matthew Lee, Jessica Trach, Shungu Musayandebvu, Robyn Stewart and Miriam Miller have been supported with assistantships from this Cluster.
Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl is an Applied Developmental Psychologist and a Professor in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education at the University of British Columbia. She began her professional career first as a middle school teacher and then as a high school teacher for youth “at risk.” For over 20 years she has been conducting research in the area of the child and adolescent social and emotional learning (SEL) and development.
Bullying Research Network (BRNET)
Established in 2004, the Bullying Research Network (BRNET) is an electronic network of prominent researchers, educators and authors from around the globe interested in addressing issues of bullying and victimization. Directed by Drs. Shelley Hymel (UBC) and Susan Swearer (University of Nebraska) and supported by the Nebraska Centre for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools, the primary goals of BRNet are to:
a) create a virtual clearing house for linking researchers around the world, facilitating the rapid exchange of information and ideas to enhance evidence-based prevention and intervention initiatives, and
b) facilitate the conduct of international and interdisciplinary research on bullying and aggression, with attention to links between basic and applied research.
As of 2013, BRNET includes over 115 members from 14 different countries, and has supported several different collaborative efforts.