Web-based Youth Hotline (2003-2005, ongoing)
In partnership with the BC Crisis Centre, SAFER and local schools in Vancouver and Burnaby, with funds from the Canadian National Crime Prevention Community Mobilization Program, we developed a web-based hotline for youth in crisis to complement phone-based crisis lines, in order to reach more students in crisis: www.youthinbc.com The website is maintained by the BC Crisis Centre in Vancouver under the directorship of Mr. Ian Ross.
Strathcona Social Interaction Program (2002-2004)
A 2-year pilot program operated in partnership with the Vancouver School Board, funded by the Vancouver Foundation, UBC’s Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) and the Lando Foundation, evaluating a 6-month intensive social and academic program for high-risk elementary students, using a systemic, resilience-based approach in which families, schools and community agencies work together to ind ways to help the child to work more effectively in the regular classroom setting.
Early Development Inventory: Validity Study (2003-2005)
With funds from the BC Ministry of Education and the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), Dr. Lucy LeMare (SFU), Dr. Bill McKee (UBC) and I are investigating the concurrent and predictive validity of kindergarten teacher evaluations of children’s “readiness to earn” across social, physical, and cognitive/language domains using Offord and Janus’ “Early Development Inventory”.
Evaluating Children at High Risk for Social and Academic Failure (2004-2006)
This project, conducted in collaboration with Dr. Marlene Moretti (SFU) and Dr. Sherry Beaumont (UNBC) and Bill McKee (UBC) involves the conduct of full psychoeducational assessments for a sample of students referred from local schools for significant behavioral difficulties, especially aggression. The project is being conducted in collaboration with the Vancouver School Board and the Alderwood Family Development Centre of the Children’s Foundation and is funded by the Ministry of Children and Families through UBC’s Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP).